Dear Friends: Last week at the invitation of Interfaith Ministries of Houston, I attended the march in Houston in memory of George Floyd and protesting against racial violence. Some of you have expressed questions about why I made that choice and I wanted to take a moment to talk about … [Read more...]
Keep Politics Out of Church?
Like many pastors and preachers, I have received the message – both implicitly and explicitly – that I ought to “keep politics out of the church.” I feel like this is one of the most misunderstood ideas in the 21st century church. “Politics” are the conversations and discernment about how we … [Read more...]
COVID-19 Congregational Letter
The following is the letter I sent to the congregation I serve, Spirit of Joy! Lutheran Church, concerning COVID-19 and our worship and ministry together. COVID-19: Update on our Ministry Dear Spirit of Joy! family, In the last week, the unfolding Corona Virus Pandemic has … [Read more...]
7 Signs of Ministry Burnout
Burnout is a real threat in ministry. It's not just a question of long hours. It is also the extent to which those in ministry pour themselves fully into work - it is emotionally, spiritually, and mentally exhausting. And that's when things are going well! When there is conflict and difficulty, … [Read more...]