We've all seen it. First a congregation starts working some Chris Tomlin arrangements of older music into their worship set. Maybe they even chant part of the worship service. And then, as the congregation continues to grow, someone throws it out there: "We should start a traditional worship service … [Read more...]
The Joy of Lent?
“Joy” is not the first thing most of think of when we think of the season of Lent I used to joke that whenever I went to buy greeting cards I could never find a “Happy Lent” card (of course, one of my wonderful friends made me my own “Happy Lent” card and sent it to me). For the most part, we … [Read more...]
Living Generously: Why Give?
Financial gifts have been a part of the church for as long as there has been a church. Even in the Gospels, we hear about the people who funded the ministry of Jesus and his disciples (Luke 8:1-3). The Cost of Ministry Part of why we give is to help fund the ministries we support - to pay the cost … [Read more...]
Getting Married … Twice
This post was originally published five years ago, on the day of our wedding at the courthouse. Republished here as we think about the overlapping roles of church and state in the institution of marriage (also as an explanation of why we celebrate our anniversary twice this week). Today is our … [Read more...]