We are three Sundays into the celebration of Easter and before we know it Pentecost will be here. I wrote this call to worship for Pentecost Sunday to use at the congregation I serve (Spirit of Joy!) perhaps it will also be useful for you.
Welcome in the name of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
On that first Pentecost, God Spirit transformed the lives of the disciples and changed the world. As we gather, we pray for that same Spirit to be poured out on us.
Come, Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit is a fire, consuming our selfishness, our hatred, and our indifference – filling our lives with new life and the light of God.
Come, Holy Spirit!
Filled with the Holy Spirit, our lives bear fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. Like the beacon of a lighthouse, may the fruit of the Spirit shine in our lives.
Come, Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit never leaves us where we are – we are sent by the Spirit out into the world to be the salt of the earth, to show God’s love to all people, to bring God’s Spirit of joy to the world.
Come, Holy Spirit!
Gracious God, pour your Spirit into our hearts, that we would worship today with all our hearts, that our lives would be transformed by your power, and that we would carry your joy from this place into all the world.
To you we give our honor and praise, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever.