Every week we gather for worship - and surely the church is more than worship, but it is a pretty big part of our life together. Within that time each week, what is the most important part? Often it might depend on who you ask. The musicians and the choir might say the music. The preacher will … [Read more...]
Kindness Bingo
Every summer, I prepare "Faith2Go" kits for the members of Spirit of Joy!, filled with activities and resources to help people to continue to grow in faith throughout the summer - wherever they go (You can access some of those resources here). This year, as we focus on a Summer of Service, I … [Read more...]
Alarming Faith
"How can I grow in faith?" This is one of the key questions that pastors often help people to answer. How to grow deeper in relationship with God - how to have a faith that transforms our lives and makes a difference in the world. Sometimes the answers are big: connecting with a church, … [Read more...]