As I have heard denominational officials and church commentators advise "bivocational ministry" as a way forward for the struggling congregations, I have been deeply uncomfortable. Not that there isn't a great history and tradition of pastors who have jobs and careers outside of the church. There … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2017
The Dishonesty of “Bivocational Ministry” | Part 1
Across denominations the issues of declining attendance and decreasing offerings are hot-button topics. Where the discomfort of this crunch is most often felt is in the question of clergy salaries. Paying for a full-time pastor (minister, priest, deacon) is often the biggest single expense in the … [Read more...]
Apps for Ministry
Every so often, I share the apps that I am using that I find useful in my ministry. These are things that have helped me to work more efficiently, to proclaim the Good News, and to build community. From time to time some of these will be more applicable to clergy / pastors, only because that is my … [Read more...]
Dying Church?
I am always looking for a new book to read - something that will help me to grow both in my own faith and pastor of a faith community. Sometimes when I ask for recommendations, the same book will pop up again and again. I tend to pay attention when the same book gets recommended by friends of … [Read more...]